Prof. Saeed Saeedvand
Prof. Saeed Saeedvand is currently an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of NTNU, Taiwan. His research interests include Humanoid Robotics, Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms. He started robot development projects in 2009 and has developed Humanoid Kid-size, Adult-Size, and mobile robot platforms with more than 15 international trophies in well-known competitions and events.
Address: 5th floor of Electrical Engineering department., College of Science and Technology, No. 129, Section 1, Heping Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106.
Office: +886-2-7749-3541
Courses at NTNU:
In this course, students will learn Introduction to Reinforcement Learning and its applications, Multi-armed bandits, Markov Decision Processes (MDP), Value Iteration, Policy Iteration, Monte Carlo algorithms, Temporal Difference (TD) evaluation, Q-Learning, SARSA, ESARSA, Introduction to DRL, Policy Gradient, Actor-Critic, State-of-the-art Algorithms (PPO).
In this course, students will learn Introduction to mobile robots as the key part of SLAM, Introduction to Mapping and Localization, Well-known and State-of-the-art approaches for localization and mapping, Recursive Bayesian estimation, Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), Histogram Filter Localization Particle filter, Occupancy Grid Mapping, Graph based approaches, Iterative Closest Point (ICP), Hierarchical approaches, Odometry Based approaches, Optimization-based approaches, ORB-SLAM.
Machine learning is one of the interesting fields that is based on learning-based algorithms and it is a part of artificial intelligence. This course introduces the basic principles of machine learning in which prediction and modeling play important roles. Topics in The course: Statistical Learning - Linear regression - Classification and Clustering algorithms - Support Vector Machine (SVM) - Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) - Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) - Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) - Transfer Learning - Ensemble learning techniques - Multi-task Learning (MLT) - Decision Tree - State-of-the-art algorithms.
Some Previous Projects' Videos:
Adult-size Humanoid Robot (2018)
Robot Localization (2016)
RoboCup Event (2017)
Kid-size Robots (2011)
Reviewer and Referee
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Development Systems, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, IEEE
Journal Reviewer, IEEE Robot & Automation Letters, IEEE
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Springer
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE
IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE
Journal Reviewer, IEEE Access, IEEE
Journal Reviewer, Journal of Supercomputing (SUPE), Springer
Transaction of the Institute of Measurement and Control
Journal Reviewer, Soft Computing, Springer
Journal Reviewer, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer
Journal Reviewer, The Knowledge Engineering Review, Cambridge
Wireless Networks, Springer
Journal of Field Robotics, WILEY
Technical Committee member, RoboCup Iran Open competitions, Humanoid Robots League
Technical Committee member, FIRA RoboWorld Cup competitions, Iran, Hurocup League
Some Personal Robotics Achievements
• First Place in Robot Magic and Music, IROS 2019, Macau
• Third Place in Humanoid Adult-Size Robot League at RoboCup 2017, Nagoya, Japan
• First Place of Humanoid Adult-Size Robot League at IranOpen 2017, Tehran, Iran
• Third Place in Humanoid Adult-Size Robot League at RoboCup 2016, Leipzig, Germany
• First Place in Humanoid Adult-Size Robot League at IranOpen 2015, Tehran, Iran
• Second place in Humanoid Kid-Size Robot League at IranOpen 2012, Tehran, Iran
• First place in Humanoid Kid-Size Robot League at IranOpen 2011, Tehran, Iran
• First place at International Khwarizmi & AUT robotic competitions 2010 (Kid)
• etc.